Saturday 27 December 2014

Team Dynamics (Individual Vs Team)

To start with what is fact, there are very few companies in the Software world, who measure team performance, rather keep individual performance as a factor to reward / penalize. An Individual performance can be a good measure to look as a view point , but a success of one note of a chain cannot make the chain strong, all have to be similar strong to keep it best.

In MNC’s based on my experience, I see, individual performances highlighted as rewards, and other team associates being left out. I really fail to understand, how an individual from a team  can be successful while the whole team might be looked as not achieving the benchmark.

If that’s the case,  we propagate, Individual performance to be strong, and kill the thing which is more important called as “Team Dynamics”.

In the world of programs, portfolios, project, enterprises we want to live in a world of co-working and integrated teams, but what it’s leaning towards looks very scary.

What should I perceive this to “Leadership failure”, “Management Failure”.

Enough of me putting the facts on to the table, which look a huge problem in itself.
It’s Time to be successful enterprises, we need to inculcate, successful cohesively working teams with genius team dynamics.
Question is how to implement this. Here is my recipe:

  • Stop the Halo effect, anyone can be a team leader, we need the right attitude.
  • Need to develop team values where success is measured in team dynamics, not Individual super-fast runners.
  • Responsibility towards team, not towards individuals
  • Not to demotivate star performers, but change star performers to  work as star teams.
  • No matter what you excel in, what you are good at, the outlook has to change is how you contribute to strengthen the weak links. This will help flourish great teams, great team leaders, great project managers and great enterprises to work with.
  • Stop the pushing game, no blame only fame. Your team is your path to success, not your individual performance.

I know it looks so easy to state it, but it’s a real strength to implement it and keep the enterprise culture intact.